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Showing posts from November, 2023

Stress Management

Teaching is often a high-pressure job, but I generally thrive on the pressure, deadlines, and expectation to do a good job. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that I am finding it challenging to manage my stress levels this year. I am incredibly lucky to work in a school that while busy, is very relaxed and supportive to the teachers, so it’s not the school putting the pressure on me and making me feel this way, it’s what I am doing to myself and lack of coping strategies I have to manage it. While I outwardly do my job with a smile, for the past few weeks I have felt the stress churning inside of me and I have walked around with a stress rash on my neck far too many times for me to say I am coping. I am stress eating far too much, walking into school with dread and even though I have been leaving work at a much better time, still not being able to focus on life because of the way I’m feeling. I feel like it’s having an impact on all aspects of my life. I’ve been trying to

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The first half term at school was so hard. The children were wild, not through any fault of their own, but through various emotional and resilience challenges they had, through a combination of parenting and Covid. I just never felt on top of anything, ever! This half term I feel like I can breathe again. While my class are still a tricky little bunch with lots of complexities, I feel like I finally have a handle on them. Most of them can follow to expectations, and the ones that can’t I have systems in place to deal with it. I am finally happy with the layout of my tiny classroom. Last half term, I felt like every evening I changed the layout of the room, only to still not feel it worked and be unhappy with it. Now that I’m finally happy with the layout of the room, I can put my energy into other things which is meaning I’m much more organised and can get through some of the workload. I also spent some time as the end of last half term and a little into the holidays to get all o

Autumnal Walks to School

Autumn is one of my most favourite times of year, and during this season I really find myself noticing the small things and identifying BT in nature. I always just feel a little bit happier walking in the autumn, even if that walk is to work. Living in a leafy suburb means that my walk to work truly is beautiful so I captured some photos along the way. IEnjoying the season of autumn so much makes me realise that I should appreciate the other seasons as sometime the little things really do just give you a little mood boost.

Little Wins This Week

This week has been a busy start and I have definitely returned to work with a bang. Between observations, data, classroom set-up, open mornings, meetings and the general day to day teaching, it has been busy. It has been busy, but good.  I thought I'd share some little wins and reasons why this week has been a good week. 1. Validation - The challenges of my class and the additional stress, time, energy and effort that my class requires was acknowledged by two members of senior leadership. Their acknowledgement doesn't make my life easier, but it's nice to know it's recognised.  2. Good observations - My maths observation went well. While my class are still tricky, they have come so far since the start of the school year and that really showed in the observation. I was proud of them and proud of me for getting them this far.  3. Organisation - I feel like my classroom is finally coming together. Things have places and I'm no longer always feeling like I'm on th

Little November Goals

October is one of my most favourite months, and due to the messinessof my life lately I feel sad that I haven’t made the most of the month. Unfortunately, the achievement on the below goals is looking pretty bleak, but November is a new month and the opportunity for a fresh start. October Goals Reviewed First, let’s review October's goals: 1. Celebrate the season   – I felt like I hadn’t made the most of the season, but when I started listing the things I’ve done I changed my mind. I decorated the house, had a few pumpkin spice lattes, did a Halloween decoration walk, watched Wicked , started a Halloween puzzle and will attend a firework display for Guy Fawkes. Do I wish I’d done more? Absolutely! But I’m pleased to see that I’ve celebrated more than I had realised. I think it’s sometimes easy to miss the happy moments in the business and stresses of everyday life. 2. Organise my life at home and at work   – I feel like this is partially achieved. Now I just need to stay on