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My 2024 Vision

 Usually when I think about how I want my year ahead to look I want it to be filled with adventure and excitement, but this year is different. In 2024 I want to experience calm, care and control. Before writing my goals for the year, I thought I’d start by describing my vision for 2024.


In 2024 I will be the best version of myself because I will invest time into looking after myself. I will be my #1 priority and will thrive as a result. I will develop and stick to healthy habits and routines that enrich my life and make me feel invincible. I will eat healthily, fuelling my body with all the good stuff I need to lose weight and stay healthy. I will stay hydrated and eat plenty of fruits and veggies. I will have a calming sleep routine that allows me to get the best night of rest, sleeping for 8 hours and waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. My confidence will grow as I start to feel healthy and worthy and I will feel invincible.


Every aspect of my life will be organised to make life simpler. Everything will have a place, the house will be kept clean and tidy and I will be able to easily locate everything I need. I will stay on top of tidying and cleaning so my home and work environments are calm and make me feel peaceful. My home will be cosy and filled with candles, soft lighting, cosy spaces and beautiful smells.


I will live in and celebrate the seasons in every way I can. My home will have beautiful seasonal touches, I will enjoy seasonal coffees and dress in seasonal clothing. I will listen to seasonal playlists and sample seasonal menus. I will get out and enjoy all the seasonal surprises that London has to offer. I will have cosy staycations in autumn and drink rooftop cocktails in summer. I will fill my home with pastels in spring and embrace the festivities of winter. I will push myself to truly embrace each season.

I will spend my time doing wholesome and calming activities that allow me to switch off, calm my mind and feel relaxed. I will stop mindlessly scrolling or excessively working and will replace this with jigsaw puzzles, crafting, journalling, reading, pampering or listening to music. I will discover new hobbies and feel proud of my creations along the way. All of these things will be done with a candle burning, a nice drink to sip on and a zen environment.

I will make the effort to spend more time with my family. A death in the family makes mortality all the more real and I absolutely do not want to live with regrets so I will make the effort to spend time with my mam once a month and visit family at home regularly. I will love on my dog, take him for long walks, give him treats and make sure he has the happiest doggie life. When my confidence grows later in the year, I will put myself out there to meet new people and make new friends. I will be open to the possibilities that arise from the people I meet and will work hard to form genuine connections and true friendships that last.

I will start my journey to becoming a mum in whatever form that takes.


I will get out and explore what London has to offer. One of my favourite things to do in London is go for a walk with a camera, so I will do that more. Every weekend I will explore a new attraction, park or area. I will become an expert on London for the mid-thirties girl; doing only the things I truly want to experience in London. Wild night and crazy experiences are no longer for me; I quite like the calm quiet life!

Travel is not high on my list of priorities this year, instead I will go on city breaks around the UK to see more of what it has to offer, selecting cosy cabins and country pubs where I can relax and treat myself to good food and a little self-care. Of course, Christmas is an exception where I will visit Bruges, a long-awaited festive destination, and perhaps some other European escapes too.


I will have control and will-power over how I spend my money and will increase my savings by at least £7000 this year. I will keep the bigger goal in mind of owning a dream home and being financially stable in the future. The goal of a family life in which I can give my family everything I wish for them.

I will treat my job as a hobby, and if it can’t be a hobby then I will treat it as what it is, a job. I will go to work, do my best, remain positive and at 5pm (at the latest) I will come home, switch off and focus on all the other more important parts of life. The parts that help me to achieve my goals and enjoy my life.

I love this vision for 2024, now I just need to set and work on the goals that will help me to achieve it.


  1. Ohhhh, I love this! I really like the idea of having an overall vision for the year, and I love that you've made a vision board as well. Look forward to seeing it all come together. :)


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